This is about the design purpose.

Computing Innovation

1.The purpose of computing innovations is to solve problems or to pursue interests through creative expression.
2.An understanding of the purpose of a computing innovation provides developers with an improved ability to develop that computing innovations.

Categories of Innovations

-Games -Social Media -Business -Productivity
-Computers -Smart phones -Wearable
-Ecommerce -Cloud services -Email

Social medias and applications allow users to connect from distance and achieve activity. E-commerce allow users to shop at home. Digital assistance device allow user to control device hand-free.

The purpose of computing innovations is to solve problems or pursue interest through creative expression.

Computer Programs accept input in a variety of different forms:

tactile (touch), audio, visual, text.

Most programs are written in an event driven environment.

Events are triggered by some action, which usually send user input to the program.
Input usually affects the output.

How does a program know what to do upon and event?

Action may be initiated by the user or another program.

In event driven programming program statements are executed when triggered rather than through the sequential flow of control.

Input can come from a user or other programs

Program outputs are any data sent from a program to a device.

Program output is usually based on a program’s input or prior state.

What is a program

A program is a collection of statements.

A statement is a single command.
A group of statement is called a code segment.
Code segment are executed according to the rules of the programming language.
A program is often referred.

Code segment are texts and blocks.

A program is a collection of program statements that performs a specific task when run by a computer. A program is often referred to as software.
A code segment is a collection of program statements that is part of a program.
A program needs to work for a variety of input and situations.
The behavior of a program is how a program functions during execution and is often described by how a user interacts with it.
A program can be described broadly by what is does, or in more detail by both what the program does and how the program statements accomplish this function.